


Did you know that the best way to get a song out of your head is to listen to it?
Well try as I may I cannot get this chick’s voice out of mine.

Her name is Lana Del Rey. Lana as in Lana Turner, Del Rey as in the Ford Del Rey.
And doesn’t she remind you of someone?

Her face (to me at least) looks like what would happen if you took Emma Watson’s smile and hair colour and mixed it with Liv Tyler’s mouth and face shape.
Lana Del Rey/Emma Watson

Lana Del Rey/Liv Tyler
Her voice has that cool, lazy blues sound to it, something along the lines of Amy Winehouse + Cocorosie + Cat Power.

She formerly came out under the name Lizzy Grant (her real name) but unfortunately had no luck in the mainstream world.  It wasn’t her music that let her down though. “Lizzy’s” song Kill Kill (2009) is consecutive with what she’s come out with recently, as is the music video. So it can only be understood that her image (bleached blonde and bubbly) and the way she was marketed was what failed her.
Lizzy Grant

Lana Del Rey is currently in the midst of much controversy from her lips to her upbringing and is being criticized of being too “fake”.
The way I see it her music is fresh, interesting, and definitely catchy; so as far as I’m concerned, the girl is doing something right.
Her newest single Born to Die is already a big hit online, so savor it now before it gets overplayed on the radio.

Del Rey’s debut album  Born to Die is out January 30th 2012.
My personal favourite: Yayo

Official Website: Lana Del Rey Official Website



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